RHS - Wrestling @ Rockvale JV Duals WI8am
TheRock JV Duels
Where: 6545 StateHwy 99, Rockvale, TN 37153
When: Saturday, February 1st,2025
Weigh-Ins: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
WrestlingBegins: 9:00 AM
Cost: $150 per team, $15/wrestler if lessthan 10
Make checkspayable to Rockvale Wrestling or mail to:
Rockvale HighSchool Wrestling
ATTN:Jonathan Dill
6545 StateHighway 99
Rockvale, TN37153
We want toget as many matches as possible for each wrestler. Match periods will be 2-1-1.Wrestlers should have 10 or less varsity matches or a sub .500 record on the season. We will limit each round to about anhour or 15 matches. I would love to start every hour on the hour.
Spectators: $10 for everyone, 5 and under free
There willbe full concessions stand and hospitality room for coaches.
Here's anexample of how it went last year:
1. Rockvale
2. Siegel
3. Ravenwood
4. Nolensville
5. Kenwood
Round | Mat 1 | Mat 2 |
Round 1-9:00 | 3-5 | 2-4 |
Round 2-10:00 | 1-3 | 2-5 |
Round 3-11:00 | 1-4 | 2-3 |
Round 4-12:00 | 1-5 | 3-4 |
Round 5-1:00 | 1-2 | 4-5 |
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, February 25
- Saturday, March 1
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
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