Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAMs)

Each graduating class has a TEAM of parent volunteers who support them from freshman year through graduation. The TEAMs are named based on the graduation year of the class (i.e. TEAM 2025 is for the class who graduates in 2025). For general questions about TEAMs, please contact







We encourage all families to join their student's TEAM each school year as you will receive valuable information about the activities of your student's class. TEAMs rely on annual membership dues, in addition to other fundraising, to purchase Raptor Rewards, provide student and teacher appreciation events, support Homecoming activities, and more. TEAM dues move with that class throughout their four years at Ravenwood. Every student at Ravenwood benefits from their TEAM throughout their years at RHS.

 Join Your Student's TEAM 


The TEAM supports the students and works with RHS's Student Council to help facilitate many activities during the year including: 




Raptor Rewards are gifts given to students by their grade level’s TEAM. The 9th-11th grade TEAMs typically distribute one Raptor Reward each semester. These gifts may be spirit items, snacks/treats, games, activities, etc. and they are planned and paid for by the TEAMs. The Senior TEAM also provides Raptor Rewards gifts and activities, and they are distributed more frequently.




Throughout the school year, TEAMs treat RHS teachers and staff with snacks before Faculty meetings and quarterly lunches to show appreciation for all they do for RHS students. 



TEAM membership dues accumulate over your student's time at Ravenwood and fund multiple gifts and activities Senior Year. These include the following and more!



Raptor Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024-2025 Raptor Sponsors!

Falcon Financial

Business Sponsors


THANK YOU to our 2024-2025 Business Sponsors!



Become a PTO Sponsor


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Membership Toolkit App

Download the FREE Membership Toolkit app to access RHS PTO information on the go, including the family directory (PTO members only), calendars, sign-ups, email archive, contact information and quick links to frequently used RHS and WCS resources.

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